Establish a Body Safety Circle!
While we may assume our children will come to us first if they need help, realistically, we need to accept that no matter how strong our bond, they may hesitate.
Talk with your children and discuss a group of adults (say 3-5) that you both agree would be someone they could and should tell if someone has broken the rules of body safety. Pick both family and non-family. Teachers, daycare providers, and medical professionals, are all mandated reporters, meaning they are required by law to report suspected or disclosed abuse.
Once you have picked your “circle”, let the adults know and ask them to educate themselves on how to handle disclosures of abuse (or in the case of mandated reporters, ask them what sort of training they have received on the subjects of child abuse).
Parents may be the first line of defense for our children but it is best when all the people in a child’s life are educated and prepared, to protect them.