Congressional Legislation
- Palestinian International Terrorism Support Prevention Act of 2019 (H.R. 1850) (July 23, 2019)
- Sanctioning the Use of Civilians as Defenseless Shields Act (2018)
- Hizballah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2017 (2018)
- Terrorism Risk Insurance & Revision Act (September 2007)
- Promoting Antiterrorism Cooperation Through Technolog & Science Act (February 2007)
- Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act (June 2006)
- Resolution Expressing Solidarity with Israel in Fight Against Terrorism (December 2001)
- Antiterrorism & Effective Death Penalty Act (April 1996)
- Middle East Peace Facilitation Act (October 1993)
- The Iran and Libya Sanctions Act (January 1996)
Executive Orders
- EO 13382 – Blocking Property of WMD Proliferators (June 2005)
- EO 13224 – Prohibiting Terrorist Support Financing (September 2001)
- EO 12947 – Prohibiting Transactions with Terrorists (January 1995)
Bilateral Cooperation with Israel
- MOU on Prevention Arms and Related Materiel Supply to Terrorist Groups (January 2009)
- Memorandum of Mutual Understanding on Homeland Security (February 2007)
- Counterterrorism Cooperation Accord with Israel (April 1996)
Terror Designations & Asset Freezes
- U.S. National Strategy for Counterterrorism
- Foreign Terrorist Organizations
- Office of Justice for Victims of Oveseas Terrorism
- Treasury Sanctions Key Hizballah, IRGC-QF Networks in Iraq (2018)
- Reports on International Terror: Middle East & North Africa Country
- Reports 2017
- Statistics on Incidents of Terrorism Worldwide
- State Sponsors of Terrorism: Iran
- Treasury Department Identifies Iran as Money Laundering Concern (November 2011)
- Designation of Hamas Operative as Foreign Terrorist (September 2011)
- Designation of Iranian Entities & Individuals for Support of Terrorism (October 2007)
- Treasury Department Freezing of Assets Tied to Hamas (February 2006)
- Designation of Hamas Charities and Leaders as Terrorist Entities (August 2003)