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Jewish Police

The Jewish Police Force was created in 1938 after Hitler, by law, ordered that the German Jews had to identify themselves in ways that would permanently separate them from the rest of the German population. In the new law of August 1938, authorities decreed that by January 1, 1939, Jewish men and women bearing first names of “non-Jewish” origin had to add “Israel” and “Sara,” respectively, to their given names. All German Jews were obliged to carry identity cards that indicated their heritage, and, in the autumn of 1938, all Jewish passports were stamped with an identifying red letter “J”. As Nazi leaders quickened their war preparations, antisemitic legislation in Germany and Austria paved the way for more radical persecution of Jews.

The Jewish Ghetto Police (Jüdische Ghetto-Polizei) or the Jewish Police Service (Jüdischer Ordnungsdienst), referred to by Jews as the “Jewish police”, was deployed in specific areas under German occupation. The Judenräte (Jewish councils) in Eastern Europe were instructed to form these police units, usually prior to the establishment of the ghettos.

Naturally, German authorities appointed Jewish police heads who would follow orders without question. Thus, the majority of the Jews in the ghetto considered the Jewish police to be a danger to the rest of the ghetto population. Generally, youth movements and Jewish political parties would forbid their members to join the Jewish police forces.

The size of the Jewish police force was not fixed but depended on the size of the Jewish community; therefore, in Warsaw the Jewish police numbered 2,500; in Lvov 500; and in the Lódź ghetto 800.

The Jewish police force in the Warsaw ghetto numbered approximately 2,000. From 1941, they were ordered to supply man-power for forced labor to the German authorities. When the mass deportations of the Jews of Warsaw to the Treblinka death camp began on 22 July 1942, the Jewish police units were ordered to participate in rounding up the Jews for deportation. As time went on, the Jewish policemen understood that they were merely pawns in the hands of the Germans, and that their own fate was not assured. Many deserted and joined ghetto workshops or hid. Most of the Jewish policemen and their families were eventually deported to Treblinka and murdered.

After the war, the Jewish Police Force continued working secretly in the diaspora. Jews were spread to several different countries, and in 2006, under the authority of the World Jewish Confederation, the Jewish Police Force became the International Jewish Police (Jewish Interpol) and started working with the Jewish communities, providing them with protection units during religious services and events.

Throughout our memorable history, the New York Board of Rabbis has enjoyed a close relationship with both the City and the State Government. We are often called for guidance on issues impacting the Jewish and the broad community. Our tradition teaches us “Pray for the welfare of the Government.” We recognize that our prayers inside the sanctuary must be coupled with visible good deeds in the streets.

As the primary address of the pluralistic rabbinate, we are honored to partner with religious and civil leaders as we confront the many challenges of the greater New York community.

We are most proud of our chaplains and first responders who serve the State in various departments including FDNY, NYPD, NYC-DOCS, NYS-DOCCS, OEM (Office of Emergency Management), Port Authority NY/NJ, NYS-OPWDD (Office for People With Developmental Disabilities), & NYS-OMH (Office of Mental Health).

The World Jewish Confederation is REQUESTING the acceptance of the Laissez Passer (FREE PASS), the same PRIVILEGES that the United Nations and Interpol give to their officers.

Chief Rabbi of the WJC, Rabbi Ovadia Tank, has been in contact with the Jewish Police’s main intelligence services to prevent retaliation in other Jewish communities around the world.

“We are very concerned about violent anti-Semitism against Jewish people in other countries. We know that the free pass passport may take some time, so we are asking each country’s international relations department to grant a diplomatic passport to our rabbis and Jewish police special agents,” said Rabbi Tank.

Rabbi Tank is actively involved in peace negotiations and relief operations. Rabbi Tank is the World Jewish Confederation Chief Rabbi and He is member of the White House National Religious Leaders , an Executive Office of the President of the United States in Washington, D.C.

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