Child sexual abuse is largely an unwitnessed and often undetected crime. Research suggests that most cases of child sexual abuse are never disclosed to authorities (Martin & Silverstone, 2013). In New South Wales (NSW), the proportion of risk of significant harm (ROSH) reports1 made concerning child sexual abuse to the Child Protection Helpline has risen from 10% in 2009/2010 to 16% in 2011/2012 (Family and Community Services, 2013). Working with child sexual abuse is both complex and challenging. Child protection workers often need to quickly assess the presence and risk of sexual abuse and to implement prevention strategies to keep children safe from further harm. Child sexual abuse often comes to light via a child’s accidental or purposeful disclosure. Disclosures can take many forms but at its core is a child’s need and attempts to let someone know that he or she is being or has been sexually abused.